Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nothing Wrong with a Little Counsel...

Counseling. When people hear this word, I think that some of them immediately picture psych wards and psychiatrists in lab coats. “Counseling” sounds like something serious, and this gives the misconception that it is only something to seek out if you have serious psychological problems.

However, I am under the impression that EVERYONE could use some good counseling. It can never hurt to talk your emotions out with someone and have them give you advice.

Furthermore, counseling is more common than you think. A recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education announced that “nearly A THIRD of college students have had mental-health counseling.”

One Third. That means that you are not alone if you seek counseling. Although it’s not really something that people talk about, but it's part of many peoples' lives.

If you feel that you would benefit from talking things out with someone, there are many resources at your disposal:

  • Furman Students can use a resource right on campus: The University Counseling Center. Call 864- 294-3031 to set up an appointment.

  • Greenville area residents can use local counseling centers or churches to meet counseling needs. Greenville Counseling Associates, Greenville Psychology Center, and Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church all offer local counseling.

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