Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Wisdom of Seinfeld

One of my favorite TV shows is Seinfeld. A particular episode that I like is "The Serenity Now" (stay with me..this has a point!). At one part of the episode, Jerry Seinfeld (main character) makes a decision to start sharing his emotions more freely. He tells his friend George to start trying it, too:

Jerry: George, letting my emotions out was the best thing I've ever done.
Sure I'm not funny anymore, but there's more to life than making
shallow, fairly-obvious observations. How about you?

George: All right... here goes...

A few clips later, we return to George after he has shared his emotions with Jerry:

George: So, that's it. All of my darkest fears, and... everything I'm
capable of. That's me.

Jerry: Yikes. Well, good luck with all that!

Isn't this always our worst fear when we confide in someone? There is always a risk involved when being vulnerable with someone- it could come back and bite you.

But, in order to achieve Emotional Health (the first leg of the "bar stool"), it is absolutely necessary to have friends to confide in. Studies have suggested that having a strong social network can improve the immune system and overall health.

Think about who you can turn to with difficulties that you face. If you get stressors off your chest, you will probably see them in a more manageable light.

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